There is no space and time before movement. The body does not move into space and time – it creates space and time. Every time the body moves, it is reaching out towards something, constantly creating different worlds. Constantly reaching for a relation that will re-invent itself.

To think of the body as that which is constantly sensing and changing, is to shift the question from what our bodies are to what they can do.Without a commitment to how we move, our bodies are no more than types normalised within pre-decided categories – like citizen, anarchist, refugee, wife, homeless, believer, atheist, man, lesbian, etc. The moving body may be the only recourse where we attempt to touch what is not yet. When we engage in the potential of an individual – to become beyond identity.

This potentiality is what exposes difference in systems that appear to be organised and unchanging. Potentiality appears every time language exceeds its syntax, every time an other exceeds my reach, every time I sense more than I comprehend. This potentiality is necessary for the times we live in.
- Preethi Athreya (Choreographer)

Performed by: Avantika Bahl Goyal, Dipna Daryanani, Preethi Athreya and Sanchita Sharma. Light designer: Jeonghee Kang.
For permission to reproduce images found on this page please contact Preethi or Sharan directly with your request. |

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